City of Amsterdam

Service designer
Project Overview
The majority of properties in Amsterdam is built on land which is owned by the City of Amsterdam. The municipality charges a fee for the use of the land and has a contract with the owners of these houses. This system is called ground lease or leasehold, in Dutch we call the owners of these houses "erfpachters".
There are two important interests the municipality has in the erfpachter:
First of all, as an erfpachter you pay the rent for your plot of land per year or you may have a contract that has been bought off for an extended period.
Secondly, when you make changes to the house on the land, you should inform the municipality because it might have consequences for the contract.
My Contributions
In this project, I was asked to investigate the full service we deliver to the erfpachters in Amsterdam. There are two main components to the research, first we drew out the internal process with employees from every part of the customer journey. Second, a set of interviews with the Erfpachters to map their experiences.

The insights were summarised visually and presented to the stakeholders and the management team. Because this information is sensitive, the end result of this project cannot be shared online. Below I will describe the process that was followed.

The project resulted in additional research and gave input for the development of a new platform.
In this project, I was asked to investigate the full service we deliver to the erfpachters in Amsterdam. To understand the full experience of the erfpachter, we first made a service blueprint to understand the full process the Erfpachter would have to go through based on conversations with internal stakeholders. After that, we enriched the blueprint with real experiences by making a customer journey based on interviews with owners of houses that have a ground lease.
We decided to conduct this research for two topics and kept the process the same with the two different topics.

Service blueprint
- We organised two workshops per topic and made sure all the important stakeholders were present during the workshops. We made sure the stakeholders that were present would cover the whole customer journey, so we invited business stakeholders, customer care, legal and back office employees.
- To prepare for the first workshop, I investigated everything I could find online about this topic, made screenshots and added it to a miroboard.
- During the first workshop with the stakeholders, we mapped out the proces, heard the different perspectives of the business on the process and assigned tasks to collect touchpoints that were not available yet (e.g. letters send to the erfpachter).
- After the first workshop, I summarised all the insights into the format we use within the city of Amsterdam and shared it with the stakeholders, so they could prepare for the second workshop. I also added the additional touchpoints.
- During the second workshop, we reviewed the first version of the service blueprint and added additional information.
- After the second workshop, I updated the format and shared the result with the group.

In the delivered service blueprint you will find the steps the user should take, the different touchpoints we have as a municipality, the known painpoints of the erfpachter, the systems that play a role, the steps the employee has to take to move the file to the next stage, the painpoints from an employee point of view and opportunities that were mentioned during the sessions.

Customer Journey
- Based on the first two workshops, I had an idea of what the process was like. To understand how the erfpachter felt about the process and their experience with it, it was important to talk to erfpachters.
- We conducted 8 one-on-one interviews about each topic through Lookback.
- We used an recruiting agency to deliver participants for the research.
- All stakeholders were asked to join the interviews virtually and ask additional questions to the erfpachter.
- The results of the interviews were visualised in a customer journey that was aligned with the service blueprint.
- The results were shared with the different stakeholders.

- To present the insights to the management team and stakeholders, I was asked to write an advice based on everything that was gathered in the research. These insights were in different levels: image, communication, website/portals, contact and internal process.
- Next to the service blueprint and customer journey, the main drivers of the erfpachters were identified, a visual was made about the diversity of erfpacht situations and other insights were summarised.
- The project resulted in additional research and gave input for the development of a new platform.

Since this information is sensitive, the visuals and end result of this research cannot be shared online.

Employees of the department and
January 2022 — April 2022
Overview of houses on ground owned by the city of Amsterdam, situation on 1st of january 2015

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